Бойцова Елена Львовна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение ядерно-топливного цикла, Доцент
Отделение экспериментальной физики, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 5250
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Physics 3.1 (Optics. Quantum physics. Atomic physics. Nuclear physics)

6 Cr.
  • Lecture - 32 hours.
  • Practical training - 32 hours.
  • Laboratory work - 16 hours.
  • Auditorium work - 80 hours.
  • Independent work - 136 hours.
  • Total - 216 hours.
  • The discipline "Physics 3.1" includes courses "Electromagnetic Waves", "Wave and quantum optics." As a result of the development of the discipline the student should know the basic physical phenomena and the basic laws of wave and quantum optics.
