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Захаревич Аркадий Владимирович

Инженерная школа энергетики
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06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Annotation to discipline

As a result of mastering the discipline a student acquires knowledge, skills and experience, ensuring the achievement of the purposes of C1, C2 and C5 of the basic educational program 13.03.01 «Heat power engineering».

Discipline is aimed at training of bachelors in:
  • calculation and design and design activities: the collection and analysis of information of initial data for designing of systems of heat and power departments of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and communal services; the calculation and projecting of components and units of equipment of heat and power systems, air conditioning systems in accordance with technical specifications using standard computer-aided design; the development of design and working technical documentation of the installations and power supply systems of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and utilities; design of the finished design works; control of compliance of the developed projects and technical documentation of equipment, installations and systems of power supply standards, technical conditions and other normative documents; the preliminary feasibility study of design decisions on equipment selection, installations and power supply systems of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and communal services;
  • production and technological activity: organization of jobs their technical equipment, accommodation of technological equipment installations and power supply systems of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and communal services; monitoring compliance with the technological discipline in providing industrial facilities with fuel, heat, electricity, process energy; the control of observance of ecological safety in the use of fuel, heat and electricity and process energy for production;
  • installation and commissioning activity: participation in the commissioning, setting up, adjusting and experimental verification of energy, heat engineering and heat engineering equipment of power supply systems of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and communal services;
  • service and operational activity: maintenance of technological equipment of power supply systems of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and communal services; compilation of requests for equipment and spare parts, preparation of technical documentation for repair of equipment of power supply systems of industrial enterprises and objects of housing and communal services.
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