During the course of Philosophy the following aspects are studied:
1. the basic problems of philosophy;
2. the various forms of philosophy: mythological, religious, philosophical, scientific;
3. the main stages of the development of philosophical thought in its relation to science, religion, art, world-epoch; the basic laws of social development;
4. the problems of personality and meaning of human life;
5. the issues related to the principles and boundaries of knowledge. Special attention is paid to:
a) development: of the ability to use the fundamental principles and techniques of social, humanitarian and economic sciences in salvation of social and professional problems, of the ability to understand and analyze ideological, social and personal significant philosophical problems; of special procedure, logical order, validity, coherence and commitment of thoughts;
b) formation: of readiness to accept the moral obligation in relation to the natural environment, to society, to other people and to himself;of orientation to understand the semantic field of universal values
c) understanding: of humanistic values for the preservation and development of modern civilization; of value-semantic orientations of different social, national, religious, professional communities and groups in Russian society.
Philosophical and methodological problems of science and technology
The discipline "Philosophical and methodological problems of science and equipment" is aimed at training undergraduates:
1. to understand the basic principles of scientific and technical activity, specifics of scientific outlook, ways of interaction of achievements of science and technology with other areas of spiritual activity of the person;
2. to understand the main tendencies in development of modern science: the principle of convergence of natural, technical and social sciences, integrative tendencies in modern methodology, socioeconomic determination of science and equipment;
3. to apply ethical principles in scientific and engineering activity;
4. to be ready to prove and defend own conclusions and conclusions in audiences of different extent of vocational guidance, to be engaged in organizational and administrative activity in interdisciplinary areas, to realize responsibility for acceptance of the professional solutions, to work in international team.
Image is devoted to questions of metodologies and technics of personal and corporative image and the role of image in staff leading.