1. Name of course Designing of Electrical Power Systems and Networks
2. Field (specialty) (primary curriculum) Electrical Power and Electrical Engineering
3. Training profile (specialty, program) Design and Control of Smart Power Systems
4. Qualification (degree) Master of Science in Electrical Power and Electrical Engineering
5. Supporting subdivision Power Engineering Department
6. Professor Natalia L. Batseva, tel. 8-961-095-41-47 Е-mail batsevan@tpu.ru
7. Course mastering results
Upon successful completion of the «Design and Control of Smart Power Systems» program a graduate is prepared to:
Common Cultural Learning Outcomes (CCLO)
CCLO1: be able to abstract thinking, generalization, evaluation, classification, forecasting;
CCLO3: be able to personal development and fulfillment, using creativity.
General Professional Learning Outcomes (GPLO)
GPLO1: be able to formulate goals and problems in the area of electrical power and electrical engineering project, determine priorities in solving problems;
GPLO2: be able to apply modern research methods, evaluate and perform results of practical engineering activity in designing of electrical power systems and networks.
Professional Learning Outcomes (PLO)
PLO6: be able to formulate conceptual design documents, apply modern packages and tools to solve tasks in designing of electrical power systems and networks;
PLO8: be able to apply methods to build up and analyze of power system and network component models, forecast their properties and behavior;
PLO9: be able to choose modern commercial equipment and design new electrical network.
8. Course contents
Module 1. Preface
Fundamental terms and definitions. Consumer classification according to reliability. Network classification. Data for network design and basic approaches for network plotting. Load powers. Power flows calculation for radial and mesh networks.
Practical exercises
1. Power flows calculation in a mesh network. The application of the moment equation.
Module 2. Choice of network parameters
Choice of a nominal voltage. Choice of a power line conductor cross-section. The accountability of technical limits according to choice of a power line conductor cross-section.
Practical exercises
1. Choice of a power line conductor cross-section. Accomplishment of conductor cross-section checking.
Module 3. Transformers and Autotransformers
Transformer and Autotransformer marking. Distinctive features of autotransformer operative regime. Choice of transformers and autotransformers on power substations. Substation digital control system.
Practical exercises
1. Choice of transformers and autotransformers on power substations.
Module 4. Equivalent circuits, parameters of power network components
Transmission line equivalent circuit. Two-winding transformer equivalent circuit. Autotransformer equivalent circuit. Practical exercises
1. Calculation of transmission line equivalent circuit parameters. Calculation of Transformer and Autotransformer equivalent circuit parameters.
2. Construction of radial and mesh network equivalent circuit
Module 5. Power losses
Types of power losses and the nature of their occurrence. Calculation of power losses according to power network components.
Practical exercises
1. Calculation of power losses according to transmission lines and transformers.
Module 6. Calculation of load-peak regime
Types of regimes. Calculation of load-peak regime by software package.
Laboratory work
1. Construction of mesh network digital model in software package «Power System Simulator for Engineers» and calculation of load-peak regime.
Module 7. Voltage regulation
General characteristic of voltage regime. Voltage regulation by regulator devices.
Laboratory work
1. Research of load-peak regime of mesh network, Choice and practical realization of voltage regulation measures in consumer terminal points. 9. Year 2nd semester 3d number of credits 6
10. Prerequisites No
11. Corequisites Flexible AC Transmission Systems
12. Type of attestation examination