Жаворонок Анастасия Валерьевна
Кандидат экономических наук

Отделение экономики и организации производства, Доцент

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I have been working as an in-service teacher in the Economics Department since 2007 (which is since the moment of graduation from the Department Master’s Degree).

One of my responsibilities is holding the courses “Economics 1.1”, “Economics 2.4”, “Economics of a Company”, “Energy Economics”, “Analyses and diagnostics of a Company’s financial and operational activities”, “Occupational Training in the English language”.

During the period from 2009 to 2011 I took an active part in students’ disciplinary activities. In 2011 I applied as the best faculty curator for a university competition.

Since 2007 I have been elaborating business games for the subjects of Economics and Economics of a Company. At the present time, my portfolio includes a dozen of games probed during educational process numerous times. These games are aimed at improvement of students’ comprehension of economical and industrial processes of a company.

Moreover, I have the certificate of business coach (by Moscow State University n.a. M. Lomonosov), implemented the computer online educational business game and games for students with economical majors (Department’s Masters, marketing consultants) into educational process. The games have students’ feedbacks confirming that these games are realistic and workable in terms of a company’s industrial activity and that they simulate a lot of processes from different perspectives.

An online website (blog) has been created within the framework of teaching and guiding, which is constantly updated considering students’ needs. Besides, a presentational course in the discipline of Economics of a Company has also been designed. I am planning to create an online study-guide. Moreover, I have elaborated a module of self-guided work considering the CDIO requirements, which has been successfully probated on students of Power Engineering University and has proved to be highly efficient for students (in terms of acquiring of knowledge and skills). As well as numerous monitoring materials and variants of tasks for individual work.

During the educational process I use the recourses of the Internet such as automatic tests for students, quizzes, blanks, essays, tasks with time limit, etc.

Besides, since 2009 I annually participate in enrollment campaign, being a representative of the Economics Department in social networks. I answer applicants’ questions concerning the Department, the University, all the possibilities and advantages of entering it.

Moreover, I am a Head of diploma projecting for the students of our Department. Several dozens of students of different kinds of study modes have successfully defended their graduation thesis under my guidance.

Since 2014 I am highly interested in electronic mode of education, have passed a lot of advanced training courses, have worked out more than four courses, including two unified courses called “Economics 1.1” and “Economics of a Company” which are successfully applied by many Department’s teachers who had created the copies. The course “Economics 1.1” has been designed for the model of blended learning and has a number of peculiarities. Also in 2015 I have won the lead of the electronic courses competition in TPU.

I efficiently work with students of vocational bias helping them to write articles collectively. There are more than a dozen of such works. Besides, two of my students are prize-winners in conferences, who got the second and the third places there.

In 2015 I was appointed Head of educational internship of the Economics Department and became responsible for distribution of educational internship places to the companies. For the working period, new contacts with large Tomsk companies have been made (such as LLC “Gazprom Transgas Tomsk”).

I carry out scientific research in the spheres of Russian economics cyclical nature and of economics structure. I am planning to defend my Ph. D. during the nearest two years.

More than 18 works have been published. Currently, two of them are labeled in international data basis.

I have been executing my efficient contract making all my efforts, and 2015/2016 academic years show overfulfillment.

Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
2016 © Tomsk Polytechnic University