2009-present - Principal research scientist, Laboratory of Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Polytechnic University.
2004-2009 - Senior research scientist, Laboratory of Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Polytechnic University.
1998-present - Full Professor, Head of Department of Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Poly-technic University.
1995-1998 - Full Professor, Department of Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Poly-technic University.
1993-1995 - Post-Doctor, Department of Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Polytech-nic University.
1992-1993 - Associate professor, Department of Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Polytechnic University.
1990-1992 - Senior Teacher, Department of Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Polytechnic University.
1989-1990 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Polytechnic University.
1986-1989 - PhD student, Quantum Field Theory Department, Tomsk State University.
1985-1986 - Junior research assistant, Institute of High CurrentElectronics SD AS USSR, Tomsk.