List of teaching publications: - Ilyin A.P., Tolbanova L.O., Astankova (Zykova) A.P. Synthesis of nitride ceramic materials in combustion air mixtures of aluminum nanopowder with powdery substances: Textbook. - Tomsk: TPU, 2008. - p. 214.
- O.L. Khasanov, Dvilis E.S., Polisadova V.V., Zykova A.P. The effects of powerful ultrasonic treatment on the structure and properties of nanomaterials: Textbook. - Tomsk: TPU, 2009. - p. 148.
- A.Y. Godymchuk, G.G. Savelyev, A.P. Zykova. Ecology nanomaterials // Textbook Ed. L.N. Patrikeeva and A.A. Revinoy. - M .: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012. - 272 p.