Аслаповская Юлия Сергеевна
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Исследовательская школа физики высокоэнергетических процессов, Доцент

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12 декабря 2024 / Thursday / Неделя нечетная
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Список публикаций

Количество записей: 30

  1. High resolution analysis of the CD deuterated methane: Extended investigation of the pentad region / O. N. Ulenikov, O. V. Gromova, E. S. Bekhtereva [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2024. — Vol. 329. — Article number 109205, 16 p. — Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL:

  2. Quantitative analysis of ro-vibrational spectra of ethylene: Line strengths of the v12 and v3 bands of 12C2H2D2-cis / O. N. Ulenekov (Ulenikov), E. S. Bekhtereva, O. V. Gromova [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2021. — Vol. 261. — [107434, 11 p.]. — URL:

  3. Absolute line strengths in bands v9 and v11 of the 12C2H4 molecule / Yu. S. Aslapovskaya [et al.] // URL:

  4. Determining the Parameters of Tetrahedral Splittings in the A1- and A2-Type States of Molecules with Spherical Symmetry (T d or О h ) / N. I. Raspopova [et al.] // Russian Physics Journal. — 2018. — Vol. 60, iss. 10. — [P. 1684–1689]. — URL:

  5. Aslapovskaya, Yu. S. Determining the Parameters of the Effective Rovibrational Hamiltonian of the ν7+ν8 Band of the Ethylene-1-13C Molecule / Yu. S. Aslapovskaya // Russian Physics Journal. — 2018. — Vol. 61, iss. 2. — [P. 299-303]. — URL:

  6. Aslapovskaya, Yu. S. Determination of the Absolute Intensities of Spectral Lines of the 12С2H4 Molecule / Yu. S. Aslapovskaya, N. I. Raspopova // Russian Physics Journal. — 2018. — Vol. 61, iss. 6. — [P. 1074–1078]. — URL:

  7. Study of the High-Resolution Spectrum of the 2?3 Band of the 32S18O2 Molecule / V. A. Zamotaeva [et al.] // Russian Physics Journal : Scientific Journal. — 2017. — Vol. 60, iss. 1. — [P. 1-6]. — URL:

  8. Ethylene-1-13C (13C12CH4): First analysis of the v2, v3 and 2v10 bands and re-analysis ot the v12 band and of the ground vibrational state / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 187. — [P. 403–413]. — URL:

  9. High Resolution Spectroscopic Study of Ethylene-1- 13C: Re-analysis of the Ground State and Strongly Interacting the v2, v3, v4, v7, v8, v10 and v12 Vibrational Bands / Y. S. Aslapovskaya [et al.] // (Poster session E). — URL:

  10. Sulfur Dioxide Application of Operator Perturbation and Isotopic Substitution Theories to the Dipole Moment Analysis / A. G. Ziatkova [et al.] // (Poster session J). — URL:

  11. Zyatkova (Ziatkova), A. G. The High-Resolution Infrared Spectrum of the set of weak bands of trans-d2-Ethylene in the region 1450-1750 cm-1 / A. G. Zyatkova (Ziatkova), Yu. S. Aslapovskaya // URL:

  12. Aslapovskaya, Yu. S. Ro-vibration analysis of high-resolution spectra of ethylenemolecule: v7 + v8 band / Yu. S. Aslapovskaya // URL:

  13. Belova, A. S. On the “expanded local mode” approach applied to ethylene / A. S. Belova, A. L. Fomchenko, Y. S. Aslapovskaya // URL:

  14. High resolution analysis of the ethylene-1-13C spectrum in the region 600-1700 cm-1 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // (Poster Session N). — URL:

  15. High resolution analysis of the C2H2D2-trans molecule in the region of 1400-200 cm-1 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // (Poster Session N). — URL:

  16. High resolution FTIR study of the ν7+ν10-ν10 and ν10+ν12-ν10 "hot" bands of C2H4 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2014. — Vol. 149. — [P. 318–333]. — URL:

  17. On the Determination of the Spectroscopic Parameters of Axially Symmetric XYZ 3 (C 3v) Molecules / A. L. Fomchenko [et al.] // Russian Physics Journal : Scientific Journal. — 2013. — Vol. 56, iss. 7. — [P. 837-844]. — URL:

  18. High resolution spectroscopic study of C2H4: Re-analysis of the ground state and ν4, ν7, ν10, and ν12 vibrational bands / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2013. — Vol. 118. — [P. 14–25]. — URL:

  19. Аслаповская, Ю. С. Новый колебательно-вращательный анализ основного состояния молекулы этилена = New Ro-Vibration Analysis of the Ground State Ethylene Molecule / Ю. С. Аслаповская // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. — 2014. — № 11-1 (30). — [С. 4-5]. — URL:

  20. Аслаповская, Ю. С. Исследование спектра разрешения молекулы С2Р4 в диапазоне 2600-2950 см-1 = Study High-resolution Spectra of C2H4 in the Region of 2700-2950 CM-1 / Ю. С. Аслаповская, Н. И. Распопова // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. — 2015. — № 6, ч. 1. — [С. 300-303]. — URL:

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