Сачкова Анна Сергеевна
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Примечание: В 2015 году сменила фамилию Тарасова на Сачкова
    N.S. Kudryasheva, A.S. Tarasova. Pollutant toxicity and detoxification by humic substances: mechanisms and quantitative assessment via luminescent biomonitoring. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.- 2015. - V. 22. - I. 1 - P. 155-167.
A.S. Tarasova, D. I. Stom, N.S. Kudryasheva. Antioxidant Activity of Humic Substances via Bioluminescent Monitoring in vitro. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2015. V. 187, I. 3. 8p.
A. Tarasova, N. Kudryasheva, E. Kovel, G. Churilov, N. Vnukova, V. Isakova, I. Osipova. Use of bioluminescent enzyme system to detect antioxidant activity of fullerenol C60Oy(OH)(x). Luminescence – 2014 - V. 29 - SI. 1. - P. 100-101.
A.S. Tarasova, S.L. Kislan, E.S. Fedorova, A.M. Kuznetsov, O.A. Mogilnaya, D.I. Stom, N.S. Kudryasheva. Bioluminescence as a tool for studying detoxification processes in metal salt solutions involving humic substances . Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B – 2012. – V. 117. – N. 5. – P. 164–170.
N.S. Kudryasheva, А.S. Tarasova. Mechanisms of detoxification by humic substances. Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment, Springer, Ed. by J. Xu, J. Wu, Y. He. – P. 296-298.
Аnna S. Tarasova, Nadezhda S. Kudryasheva. Reaction rates in enzymatic assay system in solutions of metal salts and humic substances. Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment, Springer, Ed. by J. Xu, J. Wu, Y. He. – P.315-317.
A.S. Tarasova, N.S. Kudryasheva. Use of bioluminescence assay to verify mechanisms of detoxifying effects of humic substances in heavy metal solutions. Abstract of the 17th International symposium on bioluminescence and chemi-luminescence, 2012. – Guelph, Canada. Luminescence. – V.27. – N.2. – P.163-164.
S.L. Kislan, A.S. Tarasova, N.S. Kudryasheva. General toxicity of heavy metal solutions in the presence of humic substances. Bioluminescent monitoring. Abstract of the 17th International symposium on bioluminescence and chemiluminescence, 2012. – Guelph, Canada. Luminescence. – V.27. – N.2. – P.127.
Anna S. Tarasova, Devard I. Stom, Nadezhda S. Kydryasheva. Bioluminescent toxicity monitoring of oxidizer solutions: effect of humic substances. Environmental toxicology and chemistry. – 2011. – V.30. – N.5. – P.1013–1017.
A.S. Tarasova, N.S. Kudryasheva, E.S. Fedorova, D. I. Stom. Bioluminescent monitoring: detoxification of phenol solutions by humic substances and UV-irradiation. Journal of Siberian federal university. Biology. – 2008. – V.1. – N.2. – P.136-144.
A.S. Tarasova, E.S. Fedorova, N.S. Kudryasheva. General and oxidative toxicity of oxidizer in the presence of humic substances. Bioluminescent monitoring. Abstract of the XVI International symposium on bioluminescence and chemiluminescence, 2010, Lyon, France. Luminescence. – V.25 – N.2. – P.136-137.
Tarasova, А.S. Bioluminescent monitoring of general and oxidative toxicity under effect of humic substances / А.S. Tarasova, N.S. Kudryasheva // Abstract of 13th International conference on chemistry and the environment, 11-15 September 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. – P.380.
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