Демин Антон Юрьевич
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение информационных технологий, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-61-42
Вн. телефон: 1163
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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Course description

The course provides an introduction to multimedia systems, with particular emphasis on technical issues in distributed multimedia systems, multimedia compression, and multimedia information systems.


Assessment for this course will be based on a number of tasks including practical assignments, laboratory exercises covering the creation and editing of multimedia assets, and an end of semester examination covering theoretical aspects of the course.

Labs list

  1. Soundeditor Basics
  2. Sound editing
  3. 3D scenes editing in the Blender
  4. 3D scenes animation in the Blender
  5. Video editing
  6. Creating a video player means XAML and WPF
  7. Animation and visual effects programming in WPF

Term: 8
Contact hours: 44
Private study hours: 44
Total study time: 88 hours
Credits: 4
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