Илела Алфа Эдисон -
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение материаловедения, Доцент
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04 марта 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя нечетная
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  1. Training on the use of personal protective equipment – Tomsk Polytechnic University(2025).
  2. Training in safe methods and techniques of performing work when exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous industrial factors, sources of danger identified as part of a special assessment of working conditions and occupational risk assessment – Tomsk Polytechnic University(2025).
  3. Integration of a professional dictionary in English into the subject activity of a specialist – Tomsk Polytechnic University(2024).
  4. Technologies for teaching special disciplines in English at an engineering university – Tomsk Polytechnic University(2023).
  5. Modern educational technologies in engineering and technical training in English – Tomsk Polytechnic University(2022).
  6. Formation of basic NPR competencies by means of a foreign language (English) – Tomsk Polytechnic University(2022).
  7. TPU portal. Creation and updating of personal websites– Tomsk Polytechnic University (2020).
  8. First Aid – Tomsk Polytechnic University (2020).
  9. Creation of graphic and animation resources for the methodological support of online courses based on the 3D editor 3Ds MAX – Tomsk Polytechnic University (2019).
  10. Implementation of the educational program in the conditions of development of the electronic information and educational environment of the university – Tomsk Polytechnic University (2019).
  11. SolidWorks Advanced Course – Tomsk Polytechnic University (2019).
  12. SolidWorks Basics Course – Tomsk Polytechnic University (2018).
  13. E-course: from development to the implementation of the educational process (based on LMS Moodle) – Tomsk Polytechnic University (2018).
  14. Development and application of nanoscale materials and systems in medicine, ecology and biotechnology – Tomsk Polytechnic University (2016).