Тимофеев Вадим Юрьевич
Кандидат технических наук

Юргинский технологический институт (филиал) ТПУ, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (38451) 77763
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Since 2006 main research interest is geokhod and geowinchester technology. Geokhod is Tunnel Boring Machine moving in the bowels of the Earth, geowinchester technology is the technology of underground mine workings with the use of geokhod. Geokhod has of original design and the new principle of operation. One of the main systems of geokhod is its transmission, because it provides the efforts to move geokhod pressure and stress on the cutting unit of geokhod. One of the most promising options for the transmission of geokhod is transmission with a mechanical gear - wave gear with intermediate rolling body with hollow shaft.
In 2012 defended his Ph. D. Thesis for a scientific degree of Ph. D. of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.05.06 – "Mining machines", on the theme "Substantiation of geokhod's transmission parameters with wave gearing".

Published over 90 scientific works, including 6 articles in publications cited in databases Scopus, 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals, the author of two patents for invention, two textbooks, and monograph.

Research interests: mining machinery, geokhod, geowinchester technology, tunneling technology, modeling of geomechanical processes by discrete element method, wave transmission with intermediate rolling elements.