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Борисенко Сергей Иванович
Доктор физико-математических наук

Отделение экспериментальной физики, Доцент
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Date of Birth: 01.01.1951 Mr. Place of birth: Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region. Education: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences. Dissertation: defended his doctoral dissertation in 2004 on the theme "Analysis of features of optical and electrical properties of the difficult diamondlike semiconductors and heterostructures on their basis." Labor way: After graduating from Tbilisi State University in 1973, he worked in the department of theoretical physics SFTI, taught on the physical and Radiophysics faculty of Tbilisi State University. In 2004, he joined the faculty of TPU ENMF cafes. TiEF. Hobby: Michurinsky site. A family: Two daughters, two grandsons and a granddaughter