All Russian competition of scientific and research works in electrical engineering

Date of event

from August 15 to September 30, 2016


The competition is held among full-time students of universities (undergraduate, graduate) enrolled in the directions 13.03.02 and 13.03.04 - Electrical power and electrical engineering.
General management and organization of the Contest provides Organizing Committee (further - the Contest Organizing Committee), appointed by order of the Rector of TPU on July 26, 2016 № 9288.
Responsible unit for the organization and operation of the Contest is the Department of Electrical network and electrical engineering and Foreign Languages Institute for Energy TPU supported by the Russian National Committee (RNC) of the International Council on Large Electric Systems High Voltage (CIGRE).
Contest Objectives:
  • identify talented young people and the creation of conditions for its further intellectual and creative development;
  • to stimulate interest in science, technology and research activities;
  • improving the competitiveness of youth research research, promoting their advancement;
  • the formation of environment for intellectual development the potential of youth;
  • increase processing skills and presentation of scientific and technical information in English;
  • creating a culture of the English-language speech communication in scientific and professional interests of students.