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Vladimir M. Martemyanov

e-mail: martemjanov@tpu.ru

Born on 10 November 1949 in Tomsk


1966 - finished Tomsk High School № 15 with silver medal;
1971 - graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (TPU) with a Specialty "Gyroscopic Devices", was qualified as "Engineer-electrician".

PhD Thesis

1986 – defended the PhD Thesis in the Speciality "01.02.06 - Dynamics, Durability of Machines, Devices and Equipment".
Theme "The Gyroscope Dynamics with an Electric Pendulum Correction under the Action of the Base Linear Vibration".


1971-1978 - Engineer and after Senior Engineer of Special Electric Machinery Department of Research Institute of Electromechanics (Tomsk).
1978-1982 - Junior Researcher of SIC TPI.
1982-1985 - PhD studying in TPI.
1985-1991 - Assistant and after Senior Teacher of Gyroscopic Devices Department, TPU.
1991 - position of Associate Professor of Gyroscopic devices Department, TPU.
1996 - awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
since 1992 - Associate Professor of Department of Precision Instrument Making, TPU.