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21 сентября 2024 / Saturday / Неделя нечетная
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Количество авторитетных записей: 11723

Количество авторитетных записей: 14321


Список публикаций

Количество записей: 214

  1. Sobolev, V. I. Investigating the Synthesis and Thermal Stability of Barium Tetrafluorobromate (III) / V. I. Sobolev, R. V. Ostvald, I. I. Zherin // Procedia Chemistry. — 2014. — Vol. 11 : 1st International Symposium on Inorganic Fluorides: Chemistry and Technology, ISIF 2014, Tomsk, Russia. — [P. 92-95]. — URL:

  2. Analysis of Possible Ways for Removing Fluorine from the Complex Beryllium-containing Raw Material at UMP JSC / A. N. Borsuk [et al.] // Procedia Chemistry. — 2014. — Vol. 11 : 1st International Symposium on Inorganic Fluorides: Chemistry and Technology, ISIF 2014, Tomsk, Russia. — [P. 107-112]. — URL:

  3. Study of the Thermal Method for Removing Fluorine from Products of Sulfuric Acid Leaching of Beryllium Ores at UMP JSC / A. N. Borsuk [et al.] // Procedia Chemistry. — 2014. — Vol. 11 : 1st International Symposium on Inorganic Fluorides: Chemistry and Technology, ISIF 2014, Tomsk, Russia. — [P. 113-118]. — URL:

  4. p-Nitrotoluene Bromination Using Barium Fluorobromate Ba(BrF[4])[2] / V. I. Sobolev [et al.] // Advanced Materials Research : Scientific Journal. — 2014. — Vol. 1040 : High Technology: Research and Applications 2014 (HTRA 2014). — [P. 337-341]. — URL:

  5. Synthesis and Characterization of Barium Tetrafluoridobromate(III) Ba(BrF4)2 / S. I. Ivlev, V. I. Sobolev, M. Hoelzel [et al.] // European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. — 2014. — Vol. 2014, iss. 36. — [P. 6261-6267]. — URL:

  6. Tetrafluorobromates for Urban Mining of Noble Metals / S. I. Ivlev, P. Woidy, K. Kraus [et al.] // European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. — 2013. — Vol. 2013, iss. 28. — [P. 4984-4987]. — URL:

  7. Interaction of fluorohalogenates of alkali and alkali-earth metals with arenediazonium tosylates, nitrobenzene and styrene / V. I. Sobolev [et al.] // URL:

  8. Tetrafluorobromates for Urban Mining of Noble Metals - A Case Study on Iridium Metal / S. I. Ivlev [et al.] // URL:

  9. Crystal Structures of Cesium and Barium Fluorobromates(III) / S. I. Ivlev [et al.] // URL:

  10. On Tetrafluorobromates(III): Crystal Structures of the Dibromate CsBr2F7 and the Monobromate CsBrF4 / S. I. Ivlev, P. Woidy, V. I. Sobolev [et al.] // Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC). — 2013. — Vol. 639, iss. 15. Special Issue:Contributions dedicated to Professor Wolfgang Bensch on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. — [P. 2846-2850]. — URL:

  11. Halon 1301 synthesis by using fluoroxidants / V. I. Sobolev [et al.] // IFOST 2012 : The 7th International Forum on Strategic Techology, September 17-21, 2012, Tomsk / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). — 2012. — Vol. 1. — P. 82-85

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